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The School of Modern Herbal Medicine

An Introduction to Field Botany Webinar
- 3/19/2012
- Categorized in: Free Webinar Recordings
This was a free preview webinar for the botany module of Steven Horne and Thomas Easley's Advanced Herbal Training program. It is a two hour class covering flower parts and two major botanical families, the rose family and the sunflower or aster family. The Advanced Herbal Training program is over, but Steven has produced a course on Field Botany, which you can purchase on this website if you want to learn more about this topic.
The video has been uploaded to YouTube and can be viewed below.
We've also made an mp3 audio of the program, available here.
Handouts can be dowloaded using the links below. Because there are so many color pictures in this presentation, we've created a full-color 2 slide per page format so you can see the pictures clearly in the pdf. We've also created our standard black and white 3 and 6 slides per page handouts and a text handout so you can see the text more clearly.
Click here for full color 2-slide per page handouts
Click here for black and white 3-slide per page handouts (room for notes)
Click here for black and white 6-slide per page handouts (less paper to print)
Click here for text handouts (no pictures)
Click here to enroll in our our Introduction to Field Botany online course.