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The School of Modern Herbal Medicine

Blood Type and Nutrition
- 2/12/2012
- Categorized in: Free Webinar Recordings

Our blood type (O, A, B and AB) is a factor in how our immune system responds to our environment. Each blood type has its own unique nutritional needs and each blood type responds differently to stress. In this free webinar, featuring special guest Kimberly Balas, ND, we discuss why blood type is important to consider in selecting an optimal diet and supplements. Dr. Balas has worked with Peter D'Adamo and has years of experience and insights into understanding how to work with each of the blood types. She shares her expertise with us in this webinar.
The webinar recording may be accessed using the links below.
Blood Type and Nutrition Webinar (WMV)
Blood Type and Nutrition Webinar (MP3)
Handouts for this webinar can be downloaded under attachments below.
Handouts (3 slides per page)
Handouts (6 slides per page)
Blood typing kits and blood type nutritional charts for reference (or handouts to clients) are available at