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The School of Modern Herbal Medicine

Understanding Herbal Formulas
- 1/6/2014
- Categorized in: Free Training in Herbalism, Free Webinar Recordings
Most herb books are written about single herbs, but well-crafted herbal formulas have some advantages over single herbs. For one thing, they are often easier for beginning herbalists to get results with. Single herbs are more like a rifle and formulas are more like a shot gun when it comes to targeting solutions for health problems in the body.
Like a rifle, a single herb has a lot of power, but you have to know how to aim it properly to hit the target. Single herbs work best when the person’s overall condition matches the overall characteristics of the herb. Like a shotgun, however, a formula may not hit the target with as much concentrated force, but your aim doesn’t have to be as good. This is because an herbal formula combines many herbs that work on multiple causes of a problem.
In this special free webinar, Steven Horne and Thomas Easley will discuss strategies for designing herbal formulas and for evaluating existing herbal formulas. They'll also be introducing you to the classification system the created for herbal formulas found in their book, Modern Herbal Medicine. The principles of formulation are also discussed in their new Modern Herbal Dispensatory. Join them and understand how to create and use herbal formulas more effectively.
Handouts for this webinar can be downloaded below:
Click here to download handouts for the webinar (3 slides per page)
Click here to download handouts for the webinar (6 slides per page)