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The School of Modern Herbal Medicine

Now is the Time to Get Prepared
- 3/20/2016
- Categorized in: Free Webinar Recordings

If you're looking at what's happening in our country and around the world right now, you may be feeling a little concerned about where things are headed. In this webinar, Steven Horne will address some of the issues we’re facing and make suggestions about how to prepare for emergencies.
He will talk briefly about physical preparation (food and water storage, first aid supplies, etc.), but cover getting psychologically prepared. He is considering doing a series of webinars on preparedness, so he’s trying to see what the level of interest is in this topic.
The video has been uploaded to our YouTube channel. You can watch it below.
You can download the handouts for this webinar using the links below:
Click here to download handouts in full color (2 slides per page)
Click here to download handouts in black and white (3 slides per page)
Click here to download the audio recording of this webinar
Here are some links to some additional resources. I will be adding more later.
I've been subscribing to Bill Bronner's basic newsletter for over a year now. I think he is very insightful and pretty accurate in what he says. Although no one can predict what is going to happen exactly (as even he admits), the following video provides his insights into what could happen in our economy. It's very long, and he does give a pitch for his newsletter at the end (fair warning), but I think it's well worth watching:
Urgent Public Announcement from Bill Bronner
Here's the link to Sam Coffman's survival school, which also offers combat medic training. It's a great school. I highly recommend it.
Here's the link for the Facebook page for the Herbal Medics Chapter of the American Herbalist Guild. It's a closed group, you have to apply to join.
I love Cody Lundin's book When All Hell Breaks Lose. He has a great sense of humor and lots of good tips.
This is a good preparedness website:
I buy a lot of my supplies from:
Our Family Herbalist Certification program is a really good set of courses for being able to handle health problems during emergencies. I'm also going to be teaching An Introduction to Field Botany, a plant identification course that will start in May with two lessons each month through August. I'll be talking about identifying and using local edible and medicinal plants. I don't have registration for the Field Botany class set up yet, but anyone purchasing the Family Herbalist Certification program during April will get the Botany class free.