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A Journey in My Garden of Life
- 3/26/2010
- Categorized in: Emotional Healing

The following was not written by me. It is a letter I received recently from a long-time friend. With her permission I share it with you, in hopes it will be an inspiration to others facing serious health problems. —Steven
Four years ago I was diagnosed with uterine cancer. Darkness filled my days knowing such a bitter cup was being laid before me.
Life has a way of either grinding you down or polishing you up. I ever so slowly started an inward journey.
I wrote only once about this event. I kept doctors records, but other wise remained in a frozen state.
I found an important tool in my shopping bag of life needed to be a “Good Sense of Humor.” Another gem along the way was to make the “Most of Myself,” for that is all there is of me. Whatever choice I make must begin deep deep down from within my sometimes-rotted soul.
I found another tool was, what we see depends mainly on what we look for, and might I add: Live for!! Solutions, unless they are your very own are not always the answer. Being, just being grateful for what one has is a grand beginning.
It took me a year to face death. It took me yes, one full year to come face to face with death. Into my head one day came the words: We are all going to die…what is your hurry!!! Well then: “If dieing is a MUST, I'd best be getting on with living.”
I am no different than any other individual planting seeds in the garden of life. I can put more meaning into my life living each moment to its fullest, bringing sunshine to everyday. In my garden I must remember that without rain; rainbows can never happen.
I can look at myself with the most mischievous smile, a twinkle in my eye and say to myself… “I love you”
Some people are taken with only a moment's notice. It is with their memories planted deep within my soul that with courage I can say: “Yes, I have cancer and I embrace it everyday."
If my body came up with the disease it must be for a reason. Fear is now a friend rather than an enemy. When fear ended, faith beyond belief was born. The journey at this moment is one that can feed my soul as well as renew my strength.
I have had the honor of a husband of now almost fifty years. Five of the most beautiful and talented children. Grandchildren who add so much to the garden of my soul. Magic fills the air when seeds of a great-grandchild are near.
I am empowered by the many awesome beautiful souls who added to my garden; however long or short their stay. Each individual, without exception making a lasting impression upon my life; bringing joy and beauty to each passing day.
My journey now however long or short is one of gratitude.
Remembering and recalling the many beautiful souls who left a part of themselves to make me what I am today.
As silence fills my soul with reflections I can better realize I have become an even greater person, because I had the opportunity, of simply knowing you.
Enjoying the journey of life sometimes takes a long, long time to germinate; and like a flower an even longer time to bloom. My garden, just because of you, has beauty beyond belief for the rarest of seeds entrusted.