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The School of Modern Herbal Medicine

Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Swine Flu? Not Me!
- 5/1/2009
- Categorized in: Specific Health Problems
You can't turn on the news without hearing about the possible swine flu epidemic. I am getting phone calls and e-mails from people asking what they should do to protect their family. So, I wrote this article to tell you what we are doing at our home. We are simply taking the same steps we would to avoid any type of an illness or outbreak.
I recommend a three-prong approach to protect yourself against the swine flu, or any other type of contagious illness that is passed by human contact from one person to another.
Your first line of defense:
Take steps to boost your own immune system!
- Drink half your body weight in ounces of pure water every day to keep your immune system strong.
- Make sure you are eliminating after every meal so that germs do not have a place to "hibernate" in your body.
- Get plenty of sleep at night, and be in bed before 11 PM.
- Eat healthy foods, including lots of fresh fruits and vegetables.
- Eat cultured dairy products such as organic yogurt and kefir to boost your immune system, as they are loaded with natural probiotics.
- Avoid the foods that deplete your immune system—particularly coffee and soda, and anything containing white sugar or high fructose corn syrup. Drinking just one can of soda depletes four immune system by 90% for the next 5 hours...a great reason to give up drinking soda!
You can also boost your immune system with several simple supplements taken daily. The first is probiotics, such as Bifidophilus Flora Force, which stimulates the growth of beneficial microorganisms in the intestines and boost your body's first line of immune defense. A 150-pound person should take 1-2 capsules a day (and more if they have recently taken antibiotics—I recommend Probiotic Eleven in this instance); adjust accordingly for children. The great thing about probiotics is that they have a very sweet flavor to them and the capsules can easily be opened and sprinkled in the mouth or on food, for children or other individuals who cannot swallow capsules.
Another fantastic immune booster that is being recommended by the CDC is Vitamin D3, which our bodies manufacture from sunshine! Try to get out in the sun for at least 15 minutes a day, and be sure your arms and legs, as well as your face, are exposed for maximum Vitamin D3 production. D3 gives your immune system a tremendous boost, and greatly reduces your risks of illness. If you are not getting enough sunshine, we have an affordable and effective 2000 IU natural, D3 gel cap in our office. I recommend a minimum of 1-3 gel caps a day to beef up your body's first line of defense.
Other supplement suggestions include: Elderberry Defense, Defense Maintenance, and Trigger Immune TCM.
Your second line of defense:
Put a Silver Shield around your body!
What do the hospitals use to kill germs and prevent infections? Silver! I am so thankful we have silver at our disposal to both boost our own immune system, and kills germs on contact.
Protect your family with silver! We sell Silver Shield at cost every day in our office. We also have other strengths of silver available from the world's only manufacturer of silver sol.
Here are three tips for using silver to kill any and all germs!
* Take Silver Shield every day by mouth. 1-2 teaspoons daily will help protect your body from unwanted guests: germs! It is completely safe to take a silver sol solution every day.
* Apply silver gel to your hands throughout the day, particularly if you are out in public. The silver gel applied to hands (or anywhere!) kills every type of pathogen known to science for four hours, or until you wash your hands again. It is particularly important to apply this to your hands when you are in any public place—work, stores, or church. Keep a 1.5 ounce pocket size of gel with you wherever you go, and keep a 3 or 4 ounce tube of gel by the sink in your house so that it may be applied every time you wash your hands.
* Apply a small amount of gel at the entrance to your nostrils with a q-tip swab. This is the spot where flu germs enter the body—so be proactive and protect yourself!
* Use a nasal spritzer bottle filled with Silver Shield, which will put liquid silver into your nasal passages and kill any germs that have entered there. Do this 1-2x/day.
* Use a neti pot to rinse your nasal passages with a saline solution 1-2x a day. This will also do wonders to help with seasonal allergies and sinus problems! Recommended by Dr. Oz, neti pots are available at a variety of places.
Your third line of defense: Fear Not!
Fear has been proven to lower your body's immune responses. Wash your hands, take your silver and supplements, eat healthy foods, and trust in God, praying for His protection! God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind. (2 Timothy 1:7) A sound mind is key to remaining calm and focused in any time of emergency or crisis.