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The School of Modern Herbal Medicine

Certified Herbal Consultant (CHC)
The Certified Herbal Consultant Program (CHC) is for anyone who wants to become an herbalist and help people heal as a full- or part-time business. It includes all of the courses in the Family Herbalist Certification program and adds courses that increase a person’s knowledge of herbs, their chemistry and actions, and how to apply them. Most importantly, it teaches basic assessment skills that enable you to determine which herbal remedies a person needs without diagnosing and prescribing.
The CHC course also provides business training to show you how to set up, promote and manage your consulting business. We also provide graduates with a dedicated forum where they can obtain assistance with client cases and business-building questions from other CHC graduates.
The course is online. All the webinars taught for this course were recorded and can be downloaded and watched at any time. They are also available in mp3 format for listening to on any smart phone or mp3 player.
Completing the program will require about 335 hours of study and all of the classes can be completed online, studying at your own pace. All quizzes and assigments are submitted online, and you get immediate feedback on what questions you got right and wrong, so you can redo the quiz for a better score.
Here are the courses in the program, the price of each course and the price of the program as a whole.
If you checkout using PayPal, you can use PayPal's financing program to set up a payment program for the course.
This course is backed by our money-back guarantee. Click here to read our guarantee and refund policies.