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The School of Modern Herbal Medicine

Herbs for the Respiratory System
- 5/10/2011

This is the free preview webinar for Module Three of Steven Horne and Thomas Easley's Advanced Herbal Training Program. Module Three covers Herbs for the Respiratory System. In this webinar we cover why herbalists are needed to help solve the growing problem of respiratory ailments in modern society, basic differential assessment of respiratory congestion and some basic pointers for colds, bronchitis, sinusitis, allergies and asthma.
You can download the handouts for this webinar below.
Click here to download the handouts with three slides per page (room for notes)
Click here to download the handouts with six slides per page (less paper)
You can view the webinar below or right click on the following link to download it to your computer.
Right click here to download the webinar recording