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The School of Modern Herbal Medicine

Vaccines and the Immune System
- 7/13/2016
- Categorized in: Free Webinar Recordings
This is a free webinar where I discuss the controversial issue of mandatory vaccination and why I believe vaccination should be voluntary. More importantly, I discuss how the immune system works and offer practical suggestions on how to enhance your immune function and reduce the risks of side effects if you do chose to get vaccinated (or are forced to receive vaccinations).
Handouts for this webinar can be download below:
Click here to download handouts (3 slides per page with room for notes)
Click here to download handouts (6 slides per page)
You may also want to review the following related blogs:
The Immune System is the Real Hero
Vaccines: Risks versus Benefits
You can watch the webinar below. Please feel free to share the video and make comments or ask questions on YouTube.